Month: April 2014

Another security gap: this time in Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer contains a security flaw that could affect even the users of more updated forms of Windows, sources say.

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Windows changes still cause systems problems and changes

Windows 8 is meant to replace XP as well as Windows 7, and it’s driving some to consider different platforms altogether.

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Trucking companies may need stronger IT security

Logistics providers need to think about the way their legacy systems could be made to interact.

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What a “Wear Your Own Device” policy might mean for your business

Wearables might require their own approach to mobile browsing as they become more prevalent in the workplace.

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Losing functionality due to Java-incompatible browsers

Java can react differently depending on the browser and device that are used.

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Choosing the right browser for secure applications

The companies behind some of the major browsers consistently test their products for flaws.

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BYOD access could mean a change in office culture

Making BYOD policies can be a tricky task, and involve certain new policies for your workforce.

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Bridging the gap between mobile and mainframe

IBM has taken its recent anniversary as a chance to focus on its mobile work.

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Revelations of ‘Heartbleed’ bug could put browser security to the test

Are there holes in your internet security? The “Heartbleed” gap could affect practically any internet user.

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Putting legacy modernization plans into action

The devices you use could access the mainframe you rely on.

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