Month: October 2017

Modern enterprises considering taking advantage of wearable enterprise devices must allocate significant resources toward developing and deploying new data security strategies designed to protect these vulnerable fixtures.

Essential data security strategies for enterprise wearable adopters

Modern enterprises considering taking advantage of wearable enterprise devices must allocate significant resources toward developing and deploying new data security strategies designed to protect these vulnerable fixtures.

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A vast majority of organizations are at risk of compromising customer or company data due to the presence of exploitable vulnerabilities in their mission-critical Java applications.

Report: 88 percent of Java apps vulnerable to cybercriminals

A vast majority of organizations are at risk of compromising customer or company data due to the presence of exploitable vulnerabilities in their mission-critical Java applications.

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While IT modernization initiatives pose numerous challenges, businesses can successfully future-proof their operations by adopting some of these tired-and-true best practices.

Best practices for achieving successful IT modernization

While IT modernization initiatives pose numerous challenges, businesses can successfully future-proof their operations by adopting some of these tired-and-true best practices.

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