Month: October 2021

Impacts of COVID-19 stretch to cybersecurity

With everything happening in the world, a new look at cybersecurity and online protection is not only important, but necessary for the wellbeing and security of people around the globe.

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New requirements could be coming for data breach reporting

Here’s a look at the new requirements that could be coming for data breach reporting.

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2021 US data breaches exceed 2020 numbers with a quarter to go

With the year not yet over, the 2021 numbers are already 17% higher than those in 2020, with 1,291 breaches publicly reported during this year compared with the 1,108 data breaches reported in 2020.

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Major United Nations data breach leaves the international organization scrambling

The United Nations is still reeling from a data breach carried out at the beginning of the year using compromised employee login credentials, potentially purchased from the dark web for as little as $1,000.

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