Month: April 2020

A new bill in the House of Representatives would support IT modernization for federal agencies.

House Bill Would Codify Government IT Modernization

A new bill that is being introduced in the US House of Representatives would support the Government Services Agency’s IT Modernization Centers of Excellence on a permanent basis. 

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Supreme Court cases through at least April 1 are delayed.

Oracle-Google Supreme Court oral arguments delayed

Supreme Court oral arguments for the long-running Oracle v. Google case have been delayed due to COVID-19 concerns. 

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The Coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming health care systems all over the world.

Java-based malware found on digital Coronavirus maps

A new, malware-filled program the impersonates an informational map about the Coronavirus pandemic is making the rounds online.

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The Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments in March, 2020.

New Developments as Oracle, Google Legal Fight Heads to the Supreme Court

Oracle, the company that owns the Java SE platform, brought new written arguments to the Supreme Court for their lawsuit against Google over APIs that they claim were stolen by the tech giant. 

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Stay on top of the programs that your organization is using, and know which use open face components.

The security risks of open source software

While open source software has a long list of advantages, its unregulated nature opens the doors to potential security breaches for your organization. 

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The Equifax breach is not the first time that China has been accused of a cyber attack against an American company.

Equifax Hackers Charged by US Government

The US Department of Justice is charging four members of the Chinese military with masterminding the 2017 Equifax breach that resulted in 145 million Americans having their personal information stolen. 

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Is Python poised to overtake Java in popularity?

Is Python poised to overtake Java in popularity?

Various signs suggest that Java’s position atop the popularity rankings of open-source coding languages might be on the downswing. 

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