Month: July 2021

2021 has been an unprecedented year for cybersecurity incidents.

2021 could be a record-setting year for data breaches

A new report from the Identity Theft Resource Center suggests that 2021 could break the record for the most data breaches in a year ever.

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The hacking group REvil has been able to spread their ransomware far and wide.

Ransomware attack leaves thousands of businesses vulnerable

A large-scale ransomware attack perpetrated by a Russia-based hacking group left businesses scrambling this holiday weekend.

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There's a wide gap between scraping and a true cyberattack.

LinkedIn Denys Existence of Potential Data Breach

LinkedIn has denied that sensitive user information was compromised and instead connected a reported data breach to a scraping attack from earlier this year.

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Reports of Java vulnerabilities throughout 2021's first half

Reports of Java vulnerabilities throughout 2021’s first half

Evidence of Java’s inherent detriment to the security posture of organizations that rely on tools made with the language continued to surface during the first six months of 2021.

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