Month: December 2020

Cybersecurity experts currently believe the exploit was handled by the Russian military group "Cozy Bear."

New suspected Russian hacking exploits show need for cybersecurity

The massive, government-wide data hack that was allegedly carried out by the Russian government underscores the importance that organizations should place on their cybersecurity.  

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The move to virtual learning in 2020 has made the education sector vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Cybersecurity threats continue in unexpected sectors

Cybersecurity should be a priority for your organization, no matter the industry. Both the education and manufacturing sectors have been overwhelmed with new attacks this year. 

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Terminal Emulation can help to keep ransomware at bay.

New ransomware threat a part of an ongoing trend

Ransomware, including threats targeting newer operating systems, have been on the rise in the last year. Terminal Emulation can help.

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