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Inventu Web Terminal Emulation Blog

Unlicensed Software: A Looming Threat to U.S. Corporations and Government Agencies

Introduction In today’s digital age, software plays a pivotal role in the functioning of both corporations and government agencies. It empowers businesses to enhance productivity, streamline operations, and maintain a competitive edge. Similarly, government agencies rely on software to ensure efficient public services and national security. However, an alarming trend has emerged in recent years,

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Which is Worse, Java Terminal Emulators or Open Source?

IT and cybersecurity teams put in months of effort after the Apache Log4j exploit a few years back. Countless organizations that rely on the software are still in the process of updating their systems, despite the Apache Software Foundation releasing a patch just days after the bug’s discovery. While the widespread use of the Java logging library

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How to Protect your Web Terminal Emulator Users from Data Breaches

The largest data breach in history occurred in 2013 when cyberattackers stole data from about 3 billion accounts on Yahoo and its subsidiaries, according to TechTarget. These included Flickr, Yahoo Finance, Tumblr and Yahoo Fantasy Sports. Names, passwords, phone numbers, security questions and password reset emails were all taken. While data breaches on this scale

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Quantum computing is the next generation of computing (and cybercrime)

What quantum computing is and what it means for cybercrime.

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New federal cybersecurity requirements are here

Detailing the new federal cybersecurity regulations and how software developers can abide by them.

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Cybersecurity as a Service is an inexpensive cybersecurity solution

A rundown of cybersecurity as a service and how it can be a cost-effective solution for small businesses.

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The many-colored hats of the hacking world

An overview of the different types of hackers.

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Whale phishing: When cybercriminals go after executives for the big catch

An overview of whale phishing, what it is and isn’t.

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Misinformation and cyberattack risks facing the 2022 midterm elections

What to expect as cyberattacks and misinformation efforts come to a head during the 2022 U.S. midterm elections.

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5 myths about cybersecurity every business should know

Many myths about cybersecurity pervade in the business world. Here are five of those myths that all businesses should be aware of if they want to protect their information from cybercriminals.

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