Month: December 2016

Corporate-provided device policies may be more expensive than they seem.

The High Cost of a Corporate-Issued Device Program

Corporate-provided device policies may be more expensive than they seem.

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A hacker was able to gain access to the San Francisco Muni system by exploiting a Java vulnerability.

Did A Java Vulnerability Cause The San Francisco Muni Hack?

A hacker was able to gain access to the San Francisco Muni system by exploiting a Java vulnerability.

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Almost all U.S.-based industries have the cloud in their radar.

Cloud Investment Will Increase In 2017

Almost all U.S.-based industries have the cloud in their radar.

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Thirty-six percent of chief information officers said that a lack of data security knowledge presents a problem for their businesses.

CIOs Worry About Lack Of Data Security Knowledge

Thirty-six percent of chief information officers said that a lack of data security knowledge presents a problem for their businesses.

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CYOD policies may be a good alternative to BYOD at some businesses.

Is BYOD a Step Too Far? Try CYOD Instead

CYOD policies may be a good alternative to BYOD at some businesses.

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The health care sector is leading the way in mobile app adoption.

Health Care Sector Leads Mobile App Adoption

The health care sector is leading the way in mobile app adoption.

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