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Inventu Web Terminal Emulation Blog

Cloud computing is the future for all workloads

Hybrid cloud solutions require specific structures for each function.

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Mobile and apps could drive the internet over the next few years

Applications could prove to be more important for internet use in the coming decades.

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New security updates from Microsoft affect remote access

Microsoft has released a series of new patches, some of which pertain to remote access.

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New Lumia phone without Nokia to be unveiled this month

Microsoft is unveiling a new phone, not branded a Nokia.

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Texas re-examines approach to IT

The Texas Department of Information Resources has assessed the legacy applications in that state.

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Number of devices increases due to new connected environments

The Internet of Things is cause for more developed applications connecting all devices.

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Internet Explorer 11 to be compatible with legacy applications

Microsoft is making Internet Explorer backwards compatible with several of its older versions.

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Study: Some millennial workers value personal device freedom over pay

Some millennials would rather work for an organization that embraces BYOD and social media than an organization that pays more. 

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Set your employees free with a good BYOD plan

Adopting a BYOD policy will let your workers have the same access on the go.

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Preparing to embrace big data and the cloud

Put effort into a plan to research cloud migration in order to accomplish it successfully.

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