If major companies like Microsoft are laying tools out to utilize legacy applications, your company should capitalize by choosing a modernization plan that allows you access. According to that company's blog, the newest version of Internet Explorer, 11, is going to be compatible with a wide use of older modes.
The official post from the company specifically refers to older document modes familiar from previous Internet Explorer versions, and says that this was done specifically in response to user suggestions. It's the latest in a string of announcements pertaining to Explorer, which is currently available to download on the official Microsoft website.
One of these previous announcements concerned Enterprise Mode, the feature that will allegedly allow Explorer to emulate previous versions of itself all the way back to IE5 for six more years. Fred Pullen, the author of the Microsoft blog post, described both the past versions and the future of upgrades to this browser.
"The work that customers do to upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 today will ease migrations to Windows 10, and help future-proof their browser environments," he said. "We will continue to improve support for modern standards and legacy compatibility, to make it even easier for customers to stay up-to-date with the latest browser."
Just as Microsoft is making these applications accessible, businesses will benefit from granting more accessibility to their legacy applications across all devices. Use an emulator to make older modes of useful software relevant in whatever system or device your company depends on today. That way, as environments change, your own personal functionality will not and you will be able to keep up with an increasing amount of new devices in the workplace.