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Inventu Web Terminal Emulation Blog

Overcomplicated passwords may threaten BYOD

Passwords may become an outdated concept, as far as BYOD goes.

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Federal security praises Mobile Device Management solutions

A federal security chief recently discussed the necessity of better Mobile Device Management.

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Flexible screen access may parallel supply chain convergence

Converging supply chain software may hold the key to a more visible process.

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With better data use comes more competitive advantage

Harnessing big data can represent a major step forward for competing businesses.

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Report: Older technology still running government functions

A new GAO report showed room for various government agencies to improve their legacy system modernization. 

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How data can guide proper BYOD use

With the help of smarter data, organizations can base their BYOD programs on end user needs.

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Without consistency, Big Data in healthcare may flounder

Consistency will help the healthcare industry accomplish its Big Data goals.

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Browser use trends shift as Google Chrome takes lead

Microsoft’s browser offerings seem to be flagging in recent months.

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Focusing on implementation, not just Big Data

Implementing Big Data may be more important than simply accessing it.

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Fluid device access makes BYOD easy to launch

BYOD and flexible application access make for good partners.

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