Author: admin

Java downloads still represent possible security flaws for businesses.

Supply chains beware: Java carries security risks

Java still represents many possible vulnerabilities.

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With the right flexible applications, a legacy mainframe can provide continued service for a company.

The mainframe lives on: Fluid apps help modernize legacy systems

Companies may still underestimate the continuing usefulness of the mainframe.

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Cloud security and the market in general are set to grow, according to two different studies.

Cloud infrastructure, security markets predicted to grow in next few years

Both cloud and cloud security are set to grow over the next few years.

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Mobile devices are not necessarily more vulnerable than desktop computers.

Keeping a clear head with mobile device security

BYOD doesn’t necessarily mean that mobile options are inherently less vulnerable to security issues.

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With more 'smart' technology, some companies may have the means to oversee safer transactions.

More data could help high-risk logistics

Chemicals and other hazardous materials may benefit from more data for safer transportation. 

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BYOD could open up possibilities for easy tech expansion at your business.

BYOD allows for easy business growth

BYOD may give you the chance to scale an expansion more effectively.

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Modernization continues for U.S. Census Bureau

The upcoming 2020 Census is posing some IT concerns for the government.

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Overcomplicated passwords may threaten BYOD

Passwords may become an outdated concept, as far as BYOD goes.

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Federal security praises Mobile Device Management solutions

A federal security chief recently discussed the necessity of better Mobile Device Management.

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Flexible screen access may parallel supply chain convergence

Converging supply chain software may hold the key to a more visible process.

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