Author: admin

Keep security in mind during enterprise modernization

Keep security in mind during enterprise modernization

Efforts to bring your IT infrastructure fully into the present are valuable, but it’s important that you don’t ever sacrifice security for modernization. 

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Copyright dispute between Google and Oracle emphasizes porousness of Java

Copyright dispute between Google and Oracle emphasizes porousness of Java

The latest development in Google’s years-long legal battle with Oracle once again emphasizes the inherent security issues at the heart of Java. 

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Blockchain's value for IoT security

Blockchain’s value for IoT security

Blockchain’s security applications have been cited as a complementary tool for IoT networks.

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Data security continues to be a concern.

Data security is a hole that can be filled in 2019

2018 may be consigned to the record books but the omnipresent specter of data security breaches is unlikely to diminish in the new year.

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Legacy applications can restrict digital transformation.

Why Digital Transformation Is More Than A Buzzword

Companies that don’t update their legacy applications could find that they are inadvertently putting up internal IT roadblocks to digital transformation.

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Digital transformation starts from within.

Why IT modernization should be a focus in 2019

The public sector is unlikely to top anybody’s list when it comes to being a beacon for digital transformation, but a recently released survey suggests that the federal government has renewed its focus on IT modernization.

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Ransomware is a big threat to your company.

3 things about ransomware that you should know

Ransomware poses a major threat to companies. 

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Java Magazine and Synk released a report in October 2018 that revealed some of the foundational issues that make Java such an unreliable digital dialect.

Report reveals problematic Java development strategies

Java Magazine and Synk released a report in October 2018 that revealed some of the foundational issues that make Java such an unreliable digital dialect.

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Online security is a challenge as enterprises move to the cloud.

Enterprises Must Focus on Security as They Shift to the Cloud

As organizations make the switch from on-premises equipment to virtual servers, many executives are struggling to address internal security threats as they embrace new technology.

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Are you ready for the cloud?

Private vs. public vs. hybrid cloud infrastructure

Making the right decision on the cloud means you’ll need information. 

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