Category: BYOD

Can too much security hurt mobile use?

Too many security measures may risk “locking down” the mobile devices government employees use.

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As BYOD expands, security should, too

In 2015, security will be an important part of supporting BYOD solutions.

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New billing plans could make BYOD easier

AT&T is giving businesses a way to process work use of personal devices through a special payment plan.

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Prioritize high-risk data when securing BYOD

To ensure BYOD security, companies should begin by finding out which enterprise data is most at risk.

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BYOD depends on cultural norms in different countries

There may be many things that influence a company’s BYOD policy, and they can change based on where you are situated. 

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Mobile and apps could drive the internet over the next few years

Applications could prove to be more important for internet use in the coming decades.

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New Lumia phone without Nokia to be unveiled this month

Microsoft is unveiling a new phone, not branded a Nokia.

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Study: Some millennial workers value personal device freedom over pay

Some millennials would rather work for an organization that embraces BYOD and social media than an organization that pays more. 

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Set your employees free with a good BYOD plan

Adopting a BYOD policy will let your workers have the same access on the go.

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New Toshiba Satellite Radius 11 could be a major tool for offices

There’s a new Toshiba device that could cause a splash in BYOD.

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