Author: admin

Number of big data projects growing, says report

Big data projects are on the rise compared to three years ago, one report states.

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Government to ditch BYOD for 2020 census

BYOD doesn’t seem to be a key part of the government’s census plan for 2020.

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Centering your company culture around big data

Big data can drive innovation as long as companies support it with the right culture.

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Survey: Most retailers do not have automated logistics

One survey shows the difference between what retailers want to provide and what they actually can.

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Legacy systems still a part of government IT access

Statistics show that many users recently accessed government websites using old versions of Internet Explorer.

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What devices shouldn’t be a part of your BYOD policy?

Some devices may belong off of the BYOD policy at your organization.

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IBM adopts new mainframe language

IBM is harnessing the power of GO for its mainframe systems.

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The double-edged sword of BYOD

BYOD can bring freed productivity as well as safety concerns for companies with no formal policy.

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Internet Explorer support to end this month

January 13 is the official deadline for older versions of Internet Explorer.

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Soy Transportation Coalition releases 2015 rail report card

A new “report card” shows satisfaction levels for grain transportation.

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