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Inventu Web Terminal Emulation Blog

Survey: Cloud brings unexpected benefits to users

A survey  recently showed that many cloud adopters found unexpected benefits.

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Apple Watch makes official debut

The Apple Watch has been officially unveiled.

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Working with legacy applications requires proper pacing

Pace legacy application modernization moderately for systems optimization.

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CIA developing own private application marketplace

The CIA is launching its own private application marketplace alongside its new private cloud.

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Google’s wireless plans may drive cloud use

Google could be pursuing wireless service soon.

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Big data helps important firefighting effort

California firefighters are using data from the California government in a private cloud.

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HTTP/2 approved by Internet Engineering Task Force

The Internet Engineering Task Force has approved of HTTP/2, an upgrade to standard internet access.

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De-mystifying the potential of ‘big data’

Understanding what big data solutions can and can’t do helps organizations expand their modernization options.

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Desktop computers continue to have advantages

The desktop computer could prove important to enterprises as it continues to evolve.

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Google announces ‘Android for Work’ system

Google has a new solution for workers to access both personal and work-based data applications on their phone.

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