Newer systems offer better security for supply chain IT

This blog has focused many times on the impacts of IT on supply chains and logistics. One of the biggest threats to enterprise operation is faulty or lacking cybersecurity measures. While weak security practices are possible in any information technology, letting systems go for too long without successfully updating them is one way to increase risk unnecessarily. A more current legacy system modernization approach will improve older terminal emulators and remove Java-based flaws.

As a PropertyCasualty360 article by David Shillingford asserts, cyber threats are just a part of the infrastructure hazards supply chain managers have to contend with, especially when the systems are older and have to manage large amounts of data. Because of these possible weak links, Shallingford writes, "the cracks are beginning to show" in freight.

With enterprises interested in new tech, the stakes are increasingly high for emulation options to be flexible and accessible while still maintaining proper security standards. In an article for Forbes, Steve Bridges of JLT Specialty is quoted describing the problems surrounding cyber-attacks in important goods management tasks.

"These attacks can jeopardize production and delivery schedules and cause delays that can have rippling impacts upon their customers and their customers' customers," Bridges said. He also put the blame equally on both buyer and vendor, saying that "The demand for constant online communication creates enormous opportunities for hackers to exploit weak vendor security practices as a point of entry into their ultimate target."

In addition to implementing new security solutions across devices, companies can ensure tighter security simply by updating the terminal emulation software they use. The Flynet Viewer product line encompasses multiple platforms and will leave businesses in a better position to address gaps in enterprise security policy.