Author: admin

Apps play role in trucking efficiency

Apps are asserting themselves as a possible means to address multiple concerns in the trucking industry.

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Predictions for the future of the cloud in 2016

The coming year holds multiple problems for cloud users.

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New Report Looks Closer at Future of Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is poised to bring great advances within the next five years.

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3 Deciding Factors of a Private Cloud Conversion

Transitioning to the private cloud requires companies to assess where they are and what needs are most pressing.

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Choosing JavaScript to support future Microsoft applications

Windows is tied to JavaScript through several upcoming plans for the Edge browser.

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3 Reasons a Browser-Based Emulator Will Work for Your Organization

Browser emulators are still a relevant means of addressing multiple organizational issues.

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Software helps update safety features of Denver transport

The transportation authority in Denver is using software to make its vehicles safer and more consistent.

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What is ‘medium data’ and is it right for you?

Big data is best suited to organizations dealing with certain issues.

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Java installation flaw leads to security alert

Oracle has issued an alert for possible Java vulnerabilities.

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Oracle Announces Plans for Java Plugin-Free Web

Oracle is retiring Java from future development kits. 

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