Study: Application development grows for enterprise cloud users this year

A Forbes article recently cited a survey from Cowen & Company on this year's most prominent areas for enterprise cloud spending. The results not only show meaningful cloud use has already taken hold, but that there's continued interest into various forms of cloud solutions, according to 95 respondents. Nearly 80 percent of the respondents are currently using the cloud and expect to move even more of their processes onto it.

This last statistic is part of a steady upward trend that has been progressing since last June. Unsurprisingly, the percentage of respondents who said they are "not a big adopter of the cloud" dropped dramatically (12 percent exactly) between December 2014 and June 2015.

Among 25 different project ypess for possible high spending priorities, the survey found that 34 percent of respondents cited application development as the chief category. This outranked other common project types like ERP implementation, analytics,  remote infrastructure management and application maintenance.

To choose the best application management tool, enterprises may have to consider the specifics of their industry and data. In an article for Information Age, David Barker of 4D-DC referenced the choices businesses need to make when examining migration strategies.

"Within a hybrid cloud migration becomes more complicated and depends on the environment you're moving to; if it is a pure infrastructure as a service environment then you may be able to add any new servers into your existing domains, allowing any users and permissions to be maintained," he said.

Simplicity can make legacy application modernization easier to plan and implement, so businesses should investigate a pure tool that will make use of the organization's connection to the internet on multiple devices. With this capability at their disposal, they can develop their applications in an appropriate environment.