One of the problems with internet security is keeping up with the constantly changing nature of threats and the precautions that are needed to stop them. As part of this, organizations should constantly evaluate whether their current security checks are necessary.
Of course, when you use a mainframe terminal emulator for mobile devices, you can trust it to be both-up-to-date and attuned to security needs. But in a recent article for Network World, Subbu Iyer discussed some of the outdated practices that no longer need to be recognized.
As an example Iyer writes about the unnecessary use of multiple dashboard systems when just one will do the job nowadays. Companies might also consider streamlining in other ways and making all of the processes that could involve multiple systems like this accessible through one easy-to-understand interface.
"It is now possible to integrate the device, application and user data management in one place instead of entering different portals to manage each one," Iyer says. "By providing all three tenants of mobility management in a single pane, IT can make more informed decisions much quicker."
Along the same lines, companies can also look for software that has been fine-tuned to stay relevant. Apple has reportedly been pursuing updates to Adobe Flash Player that can be integrated into the newer versions of its OS X, which was established on July 10.
Keep up with all of these parallel efforts to keep software and hardware compliant. These are important things to remember when taking on IT modernization, especially a program that encompasses newer forms of user technology.