New MIT research highlights need for efficient load scheduling

Preparing legacy applications for Web access leaves organizations in a good place to continue running necessary programs, as long as the solution is agile. That agility could be even more valuable as Web speed demands a fast way to bring older functionality to newer devices. If the average amount of time it takes to load a website shrinks, users may expect the mainframe solution they use to keep up.

PC World declared that Internet Explorer was the fastest of the main Internet browsers in 2013, noting its strong performance in page load reports, hardware acceleration and startup. Of course, these days Microsoft Edge is more discussed, especially since Microsoft plans to launch a special extension program for its new browser.

"Mashable found that Edge was slower than Chrome in several tests."

In a head-to-head comparison between Edge and Google Chrome, Mashable found that the newer browser was slower than Chrome in several tests, often by multiple tenths of a second. It also placed lower in both the Peacekeeper and SunSpider JavaScript benchmarks.

A paper co-authored by MIT and Harvard-based researchers asserts some possible methods for reducing loading times. It introduced two tools: measuring system Scout and the JavaScript-based "dynamic client-side scheduler" Polaris.

Although these systems ended up leading to smoother browsing, the source said that many loading schedulers have the opposite effect. This is because "the objects in a web page can interact in complex and subtle ways; however, those subtle interactions are only partially captured by lexical relationships between HTML tags," they wrote. "Unfortunately, prior load schedulers have used those lexical relationships to extract dependency graphs."

Whatever browser they rely on the most, Flynet Viewer grants host access to a variety of devices and helps optimize browser use as more information is made accessible to mobile users.