Category: Big Data

Amtrak focuses on new safety system after accident

Amtrak and other railway providers want to improve safety measures for trains after a recent crash.

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3 reasons state governments are shifting to the cloud

Why are state governments interested in the cloud?

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Technology plant experiments with ‘Internet of Things’

Cisco is giving the Internet of Things a trial in a plant in Malaysia.

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Could the Internet of Things impact logistics planning?

The Internet of Things is poised to add new data to logistics operations oversight.

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Department of Defense adds new cloud service options

The Department of Defense has taken steps toward increasingly cloud-based operations.

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Internet Explorer, Spartan and the future of Microsoft browser users

Internet Explorer 11 could still be an important tool in the upcoming version of Microsoft Windows.

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Survey: Cloud brings unexpected benefits to users

A survey  recently showed that many cloud adopters found unexpected benefits.

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Big data helps important firefighting effort

California firefighters are using data from the California government in a private cloud.

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De-mystifying the potential of ‘big data’

Understanding what big data solutions can and can’t do helps organizations expand their modernization options.

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What’s the difference between ‘cloud’ and ‘fog’ computing?

What is “fog computing” and will it impact the business landscape?

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