Category: Web Services

IBM adopts new mainframe language

IBM is harnessing the power of GO for its mainframe systems.

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Internet Explorer support to end this month

January 13 is the official deadline for older versions of Internet Explorer.

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Study Finds Common Scripting Languages Riddled With Vulnerabilities

Many common scripting languages have glaring vulnerabilities, a new study from Veracode finds. 

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Majority of IBM Mainframe Users Run Web-Enabled Applications

Organizations relying on IBM mainframes are adopting Web-enabled applications in large numbers, but they may not be going about it in the most cost-effective way.

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Newly discovered Java serialization flaw threatens apps

Many Java-based capabilities were recently discovered to be vulnerable to a deserialization problem.

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3 things web-based terminal emulators do better than Java

Java represents terminal access problems that companies can move away from with Javascript-based solutions. 

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Find an enduring solution for your mainframe issues

Proper terminal emulation can account for long-term use.

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What is the most ‘trustworthy’ browser, and are you ready to use it?

Changing browsers can be difficult, but an adaptable terminal emulator solution makes it easy to do so.

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Does the new Windows update strategy have broader implications?

Windows 10 has been criticized for its new update strategy.

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Using older Windows version system costs the Navy millions

The Navy is one example of how paying to work around modernization may be ineffective.

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