Unlicensed Software: A Looming Threat to U.S. Corporations and Government Agencies


In today’s digital age, software plays a pivotal role in the functioning of both corporations and government agencies. It empowers businesses to enhance productivity, streamline operations, and maintain a competitive edge. Similarly, government agencies rely on software to ensure efficient public services and national security. However, an alarming trend has emerged in recent years, putting both U.S. corporations and government agencies at risk – the use of unlicensed software sold by entities other than the copyright holders. This article explores the dangers associated with unlicensed software in the context of the United States.

What is Unlicensed Software?

Unlicensed software, sometimes known as pirated or counterfeit software, refers to software that is used without proper authorization from the copyright holder. In many cases, unlicensed software is sold by entities other than the original developers or vendors, often at a significantly lower price. While the allure of cost savings may be tempting, the risks associated with using unlicensed software far outweigh any potential benefits.

The Dangers of Unlicensed Software for U.S. Corporations and Government Agencies

  1. Legal Consequences:
    • Violation of Copyright Laws: Using unlicensed software constitutes copyright infringement, a serious legal offense. U.S. copyright laws provide strong protection for software creators, and penalties for infringement can include hefty fines and even imprisonment for individuals involved in illegal software distribution.
    • Civil Lawsuits: Copyright holders have the right to pursue civil lawsuits against organizations and individuals using their software without authorization. These lawsuits can result in substantial financial damages, which can cripple businesses and government agencies.
  2. Security Risks:
    • Vulnerabilities and Malware: Unlicensed software often lacks the security updates and patches provided by legitimate vendors. This leaves systems exposed to vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit, potentially leading to data breaches, malware infections, and other security incidents.
    • Compromised Systems: In some cases, unlicensed software may come bundled with malicious code or backdoors intentionally inserted by the unauthorized distributors. This can grant unauthorized access to sensitive information and compromise the integrity of systems.
  3. Unreliable Performance:
    • Incompatibility: Unlicensed software may not function correctly or be compatible with other legitimate software and systems. This can lead to system crashes, data loss, and operational disruptions for both businesses and government agencies.
    • Lack of Support: Unauthorized copies of software typically do not come with customer support, leaving organizations on their own when technical issues arise. This lack of support can result in extended downtime and reduced productivity.
  4. Reputational Damage:
    • Legal Actions in the Public Eye: News of legal action taken against an organization for using unlicensed software can tarnish its reputation, leading to a loss of trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders.
    • Government Agency Accountability: For government agencies, using unlicensed software can undermine public trust and raise questions about their ability to protect sensitive data and national security interests.
  5. Loss of Competitive Advantage:
    • Inferior Features: Unlicensed software may lack the latest features and updates available in legitimate versions. This puts businesses and government agencies at a disadvantage compared to competitors who invest in legal software. For an example, see: Unlicensed Flynet Viewer Compared to Licensed Inventu Viewer
    • Stifled Innovation: The use of unlicensed software discourages innovation by depriving software developers of the revenue needed to fund research and development efforts.

How can you defend your organization from these risks?

At Inventu, we have some experience with this, as another organization is selling software that we developed without obtaining a license for new customers, and without providing any royalties for existing customers that are paying for subscriptions or maintenance.

Our advice?  Check your “license key” also known as an “access code”.  It should be a production key and not an evaluation key.   For example, our terminal emulation tool called Inventu Viewer+, a high-performance emulation solution that is built with C at its core, has keys that start with the letter “P” (for Production) when the key has a real license.  Evaluation keys, which Inventu issues to prospective customers, and which can also be issued by the unlicensed organization (that used to be a reseller for WildTower Solutions–the original author of Inventu Viewer), start with the letter “E” for Evaluation.

Note that the previous name for Inventu Viewer was Flynet Viewer–if you are running software for either product with an “E” (Evaluation) key not issued by Inventu for purposes of true evaluation, you are running an unauthorized, unlicensed copy, in violation of the Inventu copyright.


The use of unlicensed software poses significant dangers to U.S. corporations and government agencies. From legal consequences and security risks to unreliable performance and reputational damage, the perils associated with unlicensed software far outweigh any initial cost savings. To protect their interests and ensure compliance with copyright laws, organizations and government agencies should prioritize the use of legitimate, licensed software provided by authorized vendors. In doing so, they can safeguard their operations, reputation, and long-term success in an increasingly digital world.