Work with terminal emulation that can fit any browser, big or small

Although enterprises have preferred browsers and desktop software, these preferences could change over time and create possible snags in a legacy system modernization. What if a company prefers one browser at the start of a data migration, but no longer wants to use it for whatever reason by the end?

Programs and markets change, which makes truly adaptable emulation options a more sustainable choice. With a browser-compatible solution for older applications, operators can expect support for whatever their chosen browser is or will be.

Consider Mozilla Firefox, one of the top three most popular browsers for years and usually a safe bet for internet needs. However, Computer World recently reported that Firefox's user share dropped by 34 percent over the course of the last year, suggesting changing fortunes for this digital staple. Writing for that source, Gregg Keizer ties this lagging user interest in Firefox to an inability to keep up with mobile trends.

"Although the company has long offered Firefox on Android and its Firefox OS has landed on an increasing number of low-end smartphone makers' devices, its February mobile share was less than seven-tenths of one percent, about four times smaller than the second-from-the-bottom mobile browser, Microsoft's IE," he writes.

It's not just the changes affecting established browsers that should give administrators pause. New browsers are also gaining attention and traction, from Windows' Project Spartan, which will succeed its longstanding Internet Explorer, to Opera's Vivaldi, a chromium-based option that TechCrunch recently called "the alternative browser to beat."

With all of these options and changes to account for, the optimal terminal emulation plan will be an adaptable one. Inventu Flynet Viewer makes it easy to update legacy systems while supporting browsers old and new to make consistent operations easy.