Modernization efforts help fight against disasters

IT modernization takes the basics of a business' operating systems and make them easier for companies to access on a large scale. What about sudden disasters? In this case, having a virtualization tool ready allows for an easier recovery and operation, but only if proper steps are taken.

Writing for Dell's Tech Page One, Drew Robb recently wrote about the importance of having a backup plan to avoid losing functionality when disasters strike. Whether it's a weather event that leaves a data center without power or an employee error, companies need to spend a lot of time beforehand considering the ways they can reduce the costs of such an event.

While Robb asserts that caring for personnel should be the utmost priority for every business, other measures for protection and asset recovery are essential. These include backup data plans, a reserve source of power and a strategy that focuses on the specific apps being used, which is less stressful than a broader-reaching plan.

To this end, Robb quotes professional crisis management director Bob DiLossi on the need to constantly refresh and update the data backup plans a business uses. 

"Any organization can have a business continuity plan, but unless that plan is consistently tested, updated and communicated, it will be worthless in the face of a disaster," he said. There are different approaches to a system backup that encompass various levels of system restore, from the individual PC to shared environments.

Before a major disaster becomes imminent, businesses should consider what the impact on their legacy applications would be if something of this scale were to occur.