Key Cloud Migration Mistakes to Avoid

Managing mission-critical applications in the cloud may be easy, but getting there is difficult. Adopters often discover this reality the hard way, haphazardly planning and executing migration strategies that halt progress, push back timetables and increase costs. Sadly, this is an everyday occurrence. In fact, its not uncommon for cloud projects to stall or fail completely – almost half of them do just that, according to research from the Enterprise Management Associates and iland.

With this in mind, organizations hoping to jump on the cloud-computing bandwagon must prepare thoroughly and learn from the mistakes of others. Here are some key cloud migration mistakes every adopter should avoid.

Moving all the applications
Cloud servers can host myriad applications, from massive builds that support day-to-day operations to niche tools that only see occasional use. Consequently, many organizations attempt to stow their entire workloads in the cloud. This strategy can slow servers and, more damagingly, severely complicate the migration process. Why? For one, not all applications are cloud ready, InformationWeek reported. To make non-compliant applications fit, adopters must execute ground-up redesigns that consume time and company resources. Additionally, some might not fit based simply on how they are used. For instance, a health care organization running on-premises software that complies with privacy regulations established in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act cannot simply shift this workload to the cloud without ensuring the provider has adequate security in place. If this isn't the case, the application must stay put.

Most experts advise adopters to shift applications and files piecemeal, focusing first on lightweight builds that work in the cloud.

"Businesses must look beyond the technical aspects and bring stakeholders from outside the information technology team into the fold."

Giving into technological tunnel vision
Migrating to the cloud is certainly a technology-centered activity. However, businesses must look beyond the technical aspects and bring stakeholders from outside the information technology team into the fold, according to CIO. Adopting the cloud requires rethinking salient internal workflows and embracing a new mindset. This necessitates the help of leaders in other divisions, as they see firsthand how valuable the new setup is to the business and can communicate this perspective to others, cultivating company​-wide buy-in and support. Employees will have to change the way they work post-implementation and external partners help them understand why the adjustments are necessary.

Failing to properly collaborate with vendors
No matter how much in-house talent there is on hand, organizations must collaborate with service providers during the migration process. Vendors understand the solution best and can provide essential insight as files flow from on-premises servers to the cloud. While cloud services center on the same core concepts, none feature identical architecture, GCN reported. Cloud providers offer invaluable insight not available through manuals or online resources.

While the cloud migration journey certainly poses serious risks, most adopters find it worth it in the end. Why? Cloud-computing technology can fundamentally transform an enterprise. Of course, in addition to simply connecting with service providers and making internal cloud adoption plans, companies must prepare by undertaking legacy system modernization. The Inventu Flynet Viewer is a flexible and cost-effective solution that meets the needs of businesses and employees in a way that feels both familiar and simple. Visit our solutions page to learn more or start a free trial to see how the Flynet Viewer can benefit your organization.