Demanding realistic results from big data

The very name "big data" may have businesses thinking grand thoughts about modernization. While planning ahead can be helpful, real mobile-friendly solutions should have a practical impact on the operation as well. Forbes contributor Bernard Marr recently looked at the ways big data plays a tangible role for several major businesses.

One example is Apixio's HCC Profiler, a tool for turning data into actionable changes for different organizations. According to Marr, the majority of medical data "previously unavailable for analysis" can now be accessible with enhanced systems, reducing coding time and addressing possible errors.

Another case given is the manufacturer Rolls-Royce, which has to handle large quantities of data for jet engine production. Marr quotes company Chief Scientific Officer Paul Stein on the situation.

"Helpful, real mobile-friendly solutions should have a practical impact on the operation."

"We have huge clusters of high-power computing which are used in the design process," Stein said. "We generate tens of terabytes of data on each simulation of one of our jet engines."

Having practical uses in mind for a big data initiative may only be part of the plan, though. The Harvard Business Review looked at the implications of the data-driven workplace on a planning level. With integrated systems, businesses may need to look closer at how quickly they can react when agile technology is the norm.

Though this involves theory, it can still pertain to the very real impact of certain decisions. As such, the source mentioned the concept of "decision rights," based on the work of Michael Jensen. This concept advocates giving certain individuals or teams the right to make their own choices.

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