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All customization of host screens in Screensurfer is achieved via the SurferScript HTML templates. This includes both identified screens as well as those screens not formally described in any customization activities.
New to version 3.0 is Visual Surfer. Visual Surfer is a collection of wizards that make developing with ScreenSurfer faster and easier for the developer or user. Visual Surfer is made up of four components.
Visual Surfer
- Screen Indentification and Navigation:
SIN allows you to identify and navigate between screens while recording all of the keystrokes used, which are saved in a special screenchange declaration which can be used at any time, in any script, to reproduce the screenchange. This allows the user to recall the identified screens without having to reconnect to the host session.
- Screen Object Wizard:
Use the Screen Object Wizard to build up and enhance the screens identified in in the Screen Identification and Navigation Wizard.
- Visual Script Editor:
Allows you to manage the scripts created in the Screen Object Wizard. You can then create custom screen navigation, custom screen combinations, complex screen updates, and exception handling, and callable transactions for co-server objects by use of Visual macros powered by iE.
- Global Application Settings:
This is a new drag and drop editor that you use to customize the default behaviors of your application created in Visual Surfer.

The Template Specification
Surferscript template files are identified to Screensurfer in the DevCenter Settings Page Template Specification. There are two types of template specification; the first is a simple directory name and the second is the file name of a template file list. For more information on the Template Specification, see What the compiler compiles.
The installation program creates a directory name specification, creates a template directory of \Screensurfer\HostServer\Templates and copies a generic global.stml template file along with some sample template files. The most complete sample template file is the harvard.stml file, which provides sample customization of the public TN3270 site hollis.harvard.edu.

Template Compiler Results
When Screensurfer is started, the active templates specification is used to provide a list of template files to be compiled. Each template file is then compiled and the following internal Screensurfer objects are created:
- Screen Recognition rulebase
Used whenever a new screen is displayed in a host session; based on the WHEN Screen_r_c="text" clause of the <TESECTION> tags contained in template files. If the criteria specified in any TESECTION matches the newly displayed screen, the SurferScript code for that section will be executed.
You can view the active Screen Recognition Rulebase at any time from the Administration/View Screen Rulebase menu selection on the DevCenter Page.
- Web URL recognition rulebase
Based on the WHEN TranPath_n="text" clause of the <TESECTION> tag.
Web pages sent to a user can include links or forms containing an HTTP URL to be submitted to Screensurfer which starts with the path /SURFER and is followed by one or more "transaction path names". If the URL is not a recognized Screensurfer command, and matches a defined TRANPATH definition, the SurferScript code for the matching TESECTION is executed.
- Screen Navigation rulebase
Based on the PATHTO TargetScreen IS Keystrokes clause in the <TESECTION> tag.
Used to provide automatic screen navigation for both the <TEACTION GOTO> tag and the Web browser back button.
Whenever a Web page is submitted with a valid session ID, but which doesn't match the currently displayed host screen (this can happen when the user uses the "back" button in the browser to reposition to an old page), the navigation rulebase is used to provide Screensurfer with the necessary keystrokes to navigate from the current screen to the screen that the user is entering data into.
When there is a screen mis-match between the active host screen and the submitted web page, Screensurfer will check the Navigation rulebase to see if there is a "path" between the currently displayed host screen and the one represented by the submitted page.
- Compiled SurferScript Code Sections
All of the standard HTML and SurferScript tags delimited by <TESECTION> tags are compiled into rapidly executable code. Each section may be executed due to a Screen or URL event (driven by the Screen or URL Recognition rulebases), a Web Event (user submits a page on a <TESECTION> tag with a <TEEVENT WebInput> section) or a <TEPUTSECTION> tag (executed from another section).