Our first version of Screensurfer was introduced in 1998, and since then has been accepted in a broad range of industries worldwide.
Pure, Thin-Client Screen-to-HTML
Screensurfer provides out-of-the-box, dynamic, screen-to-HTML conversion of your host screens within one minute after installation. In a short amount of time, you can easily create a customized Web look and feel to your host screens and combine multiple host screens into one Web page. For an HTML delivery, Screensurfer allows you to get right to the code, meaning that with basic HTML experience, you can modify the look and feel of your host screens quickly and easily.
Reduce Administrative Headaches
Screensurfer minimizes administrative hassles associated with client compatibility because there are no Java applets or large ActiveX controls to download to the client. Anyone who’s downloaded multiple Java applications knows the Java run-time environment can cause instabilities in other applications, and downloading Java applets can adversely affect Java-based applications. And with each Java download, all the supporting code for the applet has to be included to ensure its own proper operation, taking up critical space on the client. Screensurfer offloads the set-up, maintenance, and dependencies onto a central server, eliminating administrative headaches on the clients and making updates simple.
Eliminate Fat-Client Emulators
Out of the box, Screensurfer will display your host screens in a browser just as they appear in a fat-client emulator. Screensurfer replaces expensive PC terminal emulation software, thereby reducing costs and simplifying administration. Screensurfer eliminates multi-site installation of new versions of emulation software and provides access to new groups of users. Screensurfer supports the following terminal types, thus replacing the need for most of your company's traditional terminal emulators:
3270--provides access to IBM mainframe applications
5250--provides access to iSeries (IBM AS/400) applications
VT100/VT220--provides access to UNIX and VAX text-based Telnet applications
The evolution of a green screen application using Screensurfer's screen-to-HTML support.
Flexible and Scalable
You can deploy a Screensurfer application in an incremental fashion, easing end-user acceptance challenges. Screensurfer’s flexibility allows you to either make the screens look and feel similar to your original green screens or appear Web-oriented, and then transition from one to the other over time. If needed, you can enhance security by hiding all or a portion of your host screen information from selected end users
In addition, you don’t have to visit each screen in order to present the ones you want. Instead of relying upon various screen capture mechanisms, Screensurfer automatically presents your green screens in a browser. As such, you only need to code for the screens you wish to alter. For example, if you have a 500-screen application, and you need to enhance 50 of the screens, you only need to write code for those 50 screens. The remaining 450 screens will be displayed as is, without your having to spend time touching them.
Added Features, Added Benefits
Screensurfer features a powerful, fully integrated IDE called Express. This robust editor includes language help and workspace project management, as well as an interactive debugger. In addition, it has code generation wizards to jumpstart your Screensurfer application. Along with full documentation and a comprehensive tutorial, Screensurfer also provides a toy mainframe that simulates a TN3270 connection. You can practice the tutorials without having to be connected to a "live host."
Want to Learn more? Ask us or simply install and go!