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Web gateway users are a varied and large group, consisting of anyone that can benefit from information currently available in existing mainframe and AS400 applications.

Exploiting the universal network
The use of a web browser to find and access information is just one example of the power of the web. The combination of standard HTML browsers and internet protocols has brought to organizations a universal network that has never existed before. Once information can be found, accessed and entered using a standard HTML browser any user can be involved in the process.

Existing Users
For existing users of host-based applications, moving to a Screensurfer browser-based approach in most cases will improve the user's experience. For a "casual user" or one who's primary interest is querying information, browser-based access will in most cases be preferable.
For typical terminal-centric personnel, a Screensurfer-mediated emulation can provide significant advantages over traditional emulation. With the high-fidelity emulation and ActiveX keyboard support in Screensurfer Version2, even the most keyboard intensive users can utilize Screensurfer as their primary access. Where the real advantage lies for these users is in the re-engineering of redundant processes and the reduction in training requirements through implementation of screen redesign, help integration and selection lists using Screensurfer's programming capabilities.

New Users- Inside the organization
Application access until now has been provided to those users whose involvement in the information justified the hardware, software and support costs of a dedicated terminal or PC terminal emulation package.
With a Screensurfer solution in place, any user with a browser can now access information without the need for software licensing, complicated installation programs or the requisite centralized support.
Using Screensurfer's customization capabilities, the ease-of-use of information entry and access can be brought-up to whatever level is necessary to enable "access for anyone".

New Users- Outside the organization
Properly customized, Screensurfer can provide simplified access to Internet users of all kinds of business functions, such as queries and original data entry (such as name and address changes).

Avoid unnecessary paperwork and mistakes
Once access to mainframe application functionality can be made easily available, costly and error-prone processes may be truncated. Customer service can be improved by giving those with web access direct access to simple queries that are today handled over the phone or fax.