Last year, Adea Solutions developed an integration solution for the the State of Texas which resulted in the collection of an extra $9 million in overdue taxes in the first twelve months of use. Since its implementation the system has collected $27 million in tax revenue that otherwise would have remained delinquent and uncollected. Following on from this success, Adea is now implementing another mobile solution for the State of Oklahoma and one of the key components is Inventu Viewer+.
The project involves the complex integration of multiple data systems to provide mobile access to enforcement officers (EO) in the field. The data from the disparate systems is first combined and stored in an Oracle database. Mobile EOs download relevant data to their Tablet PCs at the start of the day and then update it real-time as they collect taxes.
Inventu Viewer+ is being used to access data from an Hitachi Mainframe. Several alternative integration products were considered but they were either too expensive to deliver the returns or too 'low-level' and difficult to use. Steve Hall, Head of the Mobility Solutions Group at Adea, commented "We were able to evaluate Inventu Viewer+ in just a day. It was easy to use with a graphical interface and familiar .NET environment."
Above: Architecture Overview
Having completed the first phase of development, Inventu Viewer+ has demonstrated clear advantages over the host access software which was used for the Texas project. The time taken to complete a batch process to collect information from the Mainframe has reduced dramatically from approximately one hour to just eight minutes. Steve explained, "Inventu Viewer+'s multi-threaded architecture and very efficient use of limited resources on the Mainframe have provided significant time and cost savings for our users."
Overall, the project will save time for EOs with a significant reduction in data duplication and errors. It will increase the productivity of staff and increase collection of delinquent taxes without the need to employ more staff.
The Texas project generated a complete return on investment within the first two months and this project is forecast to produce even better results with the collection of an additional $11.5 million in delinquent taxes in Oklahoma. Steve commented, "Inventu and Flynet have provided timely, high-quality services and we hope to work on more .NET-based host integration projects together in the future."
To find out more visit www.inventu.com or Adea (Now Valtech) Public Sector