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Flynet SharePoint Host Access Web Part

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Visual Studio Activities

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After the web part and the ASP.NET solution folders have been generated using Flynet Studio, the building and deployment of each is managed using Microsoft Visual Studio.


Recommended Build Environment: Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 on x64 with SharePoint 2010 Installed Locally


The recommended version of Visual Studio is the latest one you can afford or own!  For targeting SharePoint 2010, the best experience and productivity is achieved if you can match it with Visual Studio 2010/2012, since the built-in SharePoint support found in VS 2010/2012 is the best.


Use WSPBuilder for VS2008 / WSS 3.0 / MOSS 2007


The following is copied from the help for the SharePointProjectType property:


If targeting VS2010 and SP2010, the VS2010 SP Packager is recommended, otherwise use WSPBuilder.






A standard c# assembly project is created, with a folder tree matching what would be expected by the WSPBuilder Visual Studio Add-In.


WSPBuilder is a popular Visual Studio Add-In that is open-source and can be downloaded from


WSPBuilder is recommended any time the target Visual Studio version is under VS2010, and the target SharePoint version is under 2010 also.

VS2010 SP Project

The new SharePoint Project type introduced with Visual Studio 2010 will be the target.  This should only be chosen if both VS2010 (or higher) and SharePoint 2010 (or higher) are the development tool and target.



The activities that are performed with Visual Studio each have a section:


Build the ASP.NET Application

Deploy the ASP.NET Application

Build the SharePoint Web Part

Deploy the SharePoint Web Part