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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

This setting determines whether a double-click with the mouse in the same location will automatically send an ENTER for the current screen.




Double-Cick Sends Enter

Double-Click within 500 milliseconds (half a second) will send an ENTER.

Double-Clicks are Ignored step_default_24

Double-Clicks do not enter the screen

Double-Click Sends Enter-Custom milliseconds

A new entry field with the label "Custom milliseconds" will be displayed and you can enter a different value than 500 to make it more likely (or less likely) for two clicks to count as a double-click.


If an integer, such as 250 is entered, the double-click is activated, but the clicks must come within 250 milliseconds of each other.  A value of 1000 would give users a full second to double-click...also known as the "Grandmother" option.


In a Profile, this value can be inherited from a linked, parent profile.  The Track Marks (step_inherited_24) will indicate if the value is default, from the parent Profile or unique to this profile.