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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

When using the Emulator Block Paste Action (with Icon or Ctrl-V) -- use any Tab characters found to advance the cursor to the next field while clearing to the right any pasted text.


This will allow pasting from applications like spreadsheets so that the data from the spreadsheet cells will be pasted into individual fields, starting with the active field.  How each paste is performed will depend on whether or not the fields involved are simple fields or if they are aligned vertically as in a text note or editing area (vertically aligned and same width which is 50 or more characters).


Users can also change this option in the settings.


Checked step_default_24

Tabs are used to clear to right and tab to next field.


Tabs are ignored and are replaced with a single blank


In a Profile, this value can be inherited from a linked, parent profile.  The Track Marks (step_inherited_24) will indicate if the value is default, from the parent Profile or unique to this profile.