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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

For ASCII Terminal Types only.


If your host terminal support includes the ability to handle mouse click events, you can activate this feature with this setting.




The send string can use any of the available mnemonics such as [esc] (sends 0x1b or \e) or [ctrl-a] (sends 0x01).  In addition, additional substitution parameters provide a template capability.


Template parameters:



Mouse button clicked:


Values are 'p', 'q' and 'r' for Left, Right and Center


Alternative Mouse Button clicked, where 101=Left, 102=Right and 103=Center


Row that the mouse was clicked on--note that this is base 0, so row 1=0 (zero)


Column that the mouse was clicked on-- Column 1=0


Row that was clicked-on, row 1=1


Column that was clicked-on, column 1=1


Row that was clicked on with 0x20 equal to Row 1, 0x21 row 2 and so on.  0x20 is the blank character but used in some terminal types like FPCWIN for positioning.


Column that was clicked on with 0x20 equal to Column 1, 0x21 coumn 2 and so on.  0x20 is the blank character but used in some terminal types for positioning.

 * Note that these are .NET formats, so you can format in addition to selecting the value, see the example.






If the user clicks on row 5, column 20 with the left mouse button, the following will be sent:
STX p CR 019.04 CR


Note that this should be compatible with an application programmed for AccuTerm terminal emulation.

In a Profile, this value can be inherited from a linked, parent profile.  The Track Marks (step_inherited_24) will indicate if the value is default, from the parent Profile or unique to this profile.