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Inventu Viewer Enhanced ASP.NET UI Application Generator


The Notebook/Stacked Page is a Web Page that contains multiple filtered views, each containing one or more screens.  Each of these views is specified and constructed with a UINotebook/Stacked Tab page.  For each UINotebook/Stacked Tab you add to your UINotebook/Stacked page, the user will see a visual, clickable tab in the resulting user interface (Notebook tabs all display while Stacked tabs display as the user works through the individual tabs).


Design Guide Reference: Notebook/Stacked Web Pages (includes controlling properties)

UINotebook Property Reference: UINotebook/Stacked Properties

UINotebookTab Property Reference: UINotebook/Stacked Tab Properties


 Valid Parent Entity Nodes


 Valid Child Entity Nodes        


Example: Adding a Notebook to a Menu Item with NotebookTab pages

First, we add a new NotebookPage entity to an existing Menu Item which has no children, and rename to AccountNotebook:



We then select how we want our Notebook tabs to display by setting the TabsLocation property






This example is continued in the next section, Adding a Notebook/Stacked Tab Page