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Flynet Screen Workflow Recording Guide

The Screen Workflow Viewer is designed to optimize access to key information contained in the recording files by providing the following:


Screen IndexThe Recording Viewer features a two-frame display, with the left frame an index of each screen visited during the recording.  This provides rapid access to a specific screen.


Colour-coded Screen MapsDisplays colour coded areas for each screen including entry-capable fields and the cursor location.


Animated HighlightingIn the detailed description of each screen, if there is a location information block, moving the mouse over the block will animate a highlight of the corresponding area on the active screen map


One-view Scroll AreaAll screens in the recording are displayed in a single, scrollable area making it easy to browse.  Buttons are also provided for single-screen paging.


Screen XML GenerationGenerates Flynet Viewer Screen Definitions XML including Screen Name, Recognition Criteria and any Field Mappings.  Generation is to the clipboard and is available for both an individual screen basis and for all screens at once.


Animated Keystroke PlayerAnimates keystrokes used to enter data and perform screen navigation.  Provides a very effective learning mechanism for users unfamiliar with a screen's interaction requirements.


Screen Information UpdateThe information recorded for each screen can be updated on an individual screen basis and saved permanently in the recording file.


Drag-and-Drop AssistsAs with the Screen Recorder, the Recording Viewer features the ability to rapidly insert screen text and location information using the mouse (during Screen Information Update)