Flynet Screen Workflow Recording Guide

Goals for the Recording

Goals for the Recording

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Goals for the Recording

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Screen Identification


When creating a recording, it is important to:


1.Name each screen you visit
2.Enter the identification criteria for that screen
3.Try to make sure the identification criteria is unique for the screen you are viewing


When you provide the name and identification, it ensures that someone viewing your recording afterwards will be able to find a particular screen in the recording.  In the Recording Viewer, there is a screen index enabling rapid access to a specific screen; without screen names to work with, the index is less effective.


When you provide a name and identification criteria, the Screen Recorder will automatically identify the same screen if you encounter it later in the workflow, so that consistency is achieved.


Describe Screens in Context


When entering information in the Full Description field, do not describe everything about a screen.  When first visiting a particular screen in the workflow, you may include a brief description of the purpose of the screen, but generally try to describe what actions are needed in the context of the workflow.


Include Field References


In the Full Description field, you can swipe any area of the emulator screen with the right mouse button held, and the area you swipe will be inserted at the current cursor position along with the starting row, starting column and length.


This is very useful information for any developer tasked with working with the subject screen.  See the Mouse Text Insert section for more tips on how to include field references in your description.