Flynet Screen Workflow Recording Guide

Screen Name

Screen Name

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Screen Name

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Enter a screen name that is appropriate for the screen you are viewing.  Keep in mind other screens that may be similar and try to name screens so if they are logically grouped, they have similar names.


If you feel that your screen naming could be improved after working with a few screens in the current workflow, you can update screen names and information about those screens with the File / Manage Screen Info menu option.


Screen Name may be filled automatically with an existing name when a screen refresh has occured.  This occurs when the text displayed in a new screen matches the Screen Identification criteria for an existing screen.


If the current screen has been documented in another recording, use the File / Import Screen Info menu option to import the definitions from that file.  After performing an import, click on the Refresh Button in the emulator frame to refresh the screen and (hopefully) recognize the screen and fill-in the fields for you.


Mouse Inserts


Left Button

Replaces all with text

Right Button

Replaces all with text