Flynet Screen Workflow Recording Guide

Screen Identification

Screen Identification

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Screen Identification

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The screen identification field is intended to be filled-in using mouse swipes.  The special location details format entry is used to build recognition criteria.  To add each text location detail entry, simply swipe with the mouse over text on the screen that uniquely identifies the viewed screen. Multiple entries may be used to ensure uniqueness--multiple entries are used together as an "AND" relationship (all must be true in order to recognize the screen).


Location Details Format


The Location Details Format is a special text block containing both screen coordinates and text:


[10,3,8 "SWITCHIT"] means, INCLUDE when row 10, column 3 for 8 characters = "SWITCHIT"
[10,3,8 !"SWITCHIT"] means, OMIT when row 10, column 3 for 8 characters = "SWITCHIT"


You may also key entries directly, without the use of the mouse, which may be useful when you wish to use the omit format, which is not automatically inserted by mouse actions.


Importance of Screen Identification


You are strongly encouraged to take care in identifying each screen, as the following benefits will result:


When the same screen is viewed later in the recording, using the location details, the screen will be recognized by the Screen Recorder, and the Screen Name, Short Description and Screen Identification fields will be automatically duplicated

Consistent screen identification improves the productivity of the Recording Viewer

The Recording  Viewer can generate screen definition XML and will translate the criteria you enter in the recordings format to the XML-based <Recognize..> tags used by Flynet Viewer Developers


Fixing Earlier Mistakes


It is not uncommon during a recording to discover that screen recognition criteria is incomplete for a screen.  This can frequently occur when an informational or error message display "breaks" recognition.  Or, it could be that a general identification used early in the recording isn't specific enough so that a "false" recognition occurs.


To correct recognition that has already been entered, use the File / Manage Screen Info menu option.  While this is not as convenient as using the mouse swipes in the identification process, it can help a great deal in "tweaking" prior entries so that naming of screens can progress naturally.


Automatic Duplication


The Screen Identification field may automatically be filled with an existing Screen Identification when a new screen is displayed.  This occurs when the text displayed in a new screen matches the Screen Identification criteria for an existing screen.


Mouse Inserts


Left Button

Inserts Location Details at cursor

Right Button

Inserts Location Details at cursor