For each of the supported Emulation Protocols there is an available set of terminal types available for selection.
Terminal types are used in conjunction with the Screen Rows, Screen Columns, Alt Screen Rows and Alt Screen Column settings in order to configure the terminal capabilities and screen size(s).
Note that the standard row and column configuration in all cases is generally 24 x 80. In the terminal descriptions, the alternate row and columns are listed with the terminal type.
Note that if your connection is not found in any of the available options, you can select Custom Terminal Type and key-in the exact text required by your host. This would generally be needed for older UNIX/Linux applications using unique TERMCAP settings.
The following terminal types are available for TN3270 emulations.
•IBM-3278-2 (24 x 80) - Most basic terminal type, recommended for all application integration situations where presentation is not needed for extra colour and other characteristics
•IBM-3278-3 (32 x 80) - Basic, but assumes alternate screen size of 32 rows, 80 columns
•IBM-3278-4 (43 x 80) - Basic, with alternate screen size of 43 rows, 80 columns
•IBM-3278-5 (27 x 132) - Basic, with alternate screen size of 27 rows, 132 columns
•IBM-3278-2 EAttrs (24 x 80) - Supports Extended attributes and COLOUR. Colour is only needed for pass-through environments that have support in the screen-to-html logic for colour
•IBM-3278-3 EAttrs (32 x 80) - Extended attributes, alternate screen size of 32 rows, 80 columns
•IBM-3278-4 EAttrs (43 x 80) - Extended attributes, alternate screen size of 43 rows, 80 columns
•IBM-3278-5 EAttrs (27 x 132) - Extended attributes, alternate screen size of 27 rows, 132 columns
•IBM-DYNAMIC Eattrs (Up to 62x160) - Extended Attributes 3270 Color display with alternate rows up to 62 and alternate columns up to 160, usually only appropriate for developers using mainframe editors
Here are the terminal type for TN5250 connections:
•IBM-5251-11 (24 x 80 mono) - Basic 24 by 80 monochrome display
•IBM-3477-FC (27 x 132 color) - 27 rows, 132 columns in color
•IBM-3477-FG (27 x 132 monochrome) - 27 rows, 132 columns in monochrome
•IBM-3180-2 (27 x 132 mono) - 27 rows, 132 columns for alternate screen size
•IBM-3179-2 (24 x 80 color) - 24 rows, 80 columns color
•IBM-3196-A1 (24 x 80 monochrome display)
•IBM-5292-2 (24 x 80 color) - Also straight 24 x 80 but with additional support for color highlighting. For the screenscraping environment there is not much difference between the mono and color terminals, as the same attribute bytes are typically used.
•IBM-5291-1 (24 x 80 monochrome display)
The TNVT terminal types will, in many cases, alter the level of support for more sophisticated features by the host. For application integration, the VT220 probably offers the best mix of efficient datastreams without introducing additional character formatting which may not be used.
•DEC-VT100 / vt100 - Most basic of the VT terminal types with broadest support
•DEC-VT220 / vt220 - Adds highlighting of data as well as more efficient cursor positioning sequences
•DEC-VT320 / vt320 - Builds on the VT220 with additional protocol features
•DEC-VT420 / vt420 - Builds on the VT320 with additional protocol features
•scoansi / ansi - Based on the SCO Terminal family and is a protocol similar to VT220
•viewpoint / vp90 - ADDS-Viewpoint protocol which is compatible with many applications originally created using the PICK operation systems and derivations
•xterm - a popular hybrid protocol designed for software terminal emulators rather than a hardware device
•wy50 / wyse50 / Wyse 50 - Wyse 50 terminal emulation. Like viewpoint, may be required for compatibility with older applications
•wy60 / wyse60 / Wyse 60 - Wyse 60 terminal emulation. Some slight differences from Wyse50.