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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

Select the font that will be the default for new client connections.  Note that users can select their own font unless CSS user settings are not enabled (See the View setting Client Access to Settings).  Note that the New Profile Wizard will provide a dynamic view of the result of picking different fonts.

The list provided is based on files found in the FVTerm folder, default is installed at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\fvterm\fonts as well as being defined in the FVTerm web.config.


Defining Which Fonts Can Be Selected


As with style sheets, the available fonts are defined in the FVTerm web.config.  Most of the distributed fonts are not "standard" and are downloadable fonts that are free for public use thanks to Google.  Those that are not from Google are free to the public...see individual Copyright Notices in each folder.


There is a specific method to add fonts to the fonts folder -- contact Inventu Support if the contents of each Font's folder is not easily identified by looking at existing fonts.


As distributed, fonts in web.config include:


 <add key="font1" value="Courier New" />

 <add key="font2" value="Lucida Console" />        <!-- free from Microsoft on Windows when Office is installed-->

 <add key="font3" value="Andale Mono" />                <!-- free from Microsoft on Windows when Office is installed-->

 <add key="font4" value="Consolas" />                <!-- free from Microsoft on Windows starting with Vista-->

 <add key="font5" value="Anonymous Pro" />                <!-- -->

 <add key="font6" value="VeraMono" />                <!-- Copyright (c) 2003 by Bitstream, Inc. -->

 <add key="font7" value="Monofur" />                <!-- The monofur typeface by tobias b koehler ( -->

 <add key="font8" value="Droid Sans Mono" />        <!-- -->

 <add key="font9" value="Inconsolata" />                <!-- -->

 <add key="font10" value="Lekton" />                <!-- -->

       <add key="font11" value="Nova Mono" />                <!-- licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. -->

 <add key="font12" value="PT Mono" />                <!-- -->

 <add key="font13" value="Share Tech Mono" />        <!-- -->

 <add key="font14" value="Source Code Pro" />        <!-- -->

 <add key="font15" value="Ubuntu Mono" />                <!-- -->