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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

This setting determines whether users can make any changes to the emulator settings at the client PC.


For many organizations help-desk operations are made easier by preventing individual users from making changes to the colours and fonts in the emulator.


Possible Values:




Settings Availablestep_default_24

Default - The Settings Icon is visible to users, and when clicked, displays the Settings Dialog.  On the host selection page, a Settings tile is displayed.

Settings NOT Available

The Settings Icon is not displayed--users may not make changes to the emulation settings.  When displaying the host selection tiles, the settings tile is not displayed.

Settings Icon Only

The settings icon is displayed, but the settings tile is not displayed on the host selection page.

Style Settings Only

Enables users to set their font and CSS style without being able to set other options.  The settings tile is hidden in the host selection page.