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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

For ASCII terminal types, when Scroll History Maximum Lines is not left at the default value of 0, as the terminal scrolls "up" from the bottom, the browser will start to store the scrolled lines "above" the active screen.  When this option is un-checked, a host command to clear the active screen will also clear the scrolled lines (while also not adding the current screen to the scroll area).  To have all screen information added to the scroll area, check this option.



Un-Checked step_default_24

When a Clear Screen Command is received the in-browser scroll area is cleared along with the prior screen before displaying the new screen.


A Clear Screen Command will add the current screen to the scroll area before displaying the new screen.


Note that users have the ability to control this option when the Scroll History Maximum Lines is non-zero in the Settings using the Cleared Screen Scrolling Checkbox.


In a Profile, this value can be inherited from a linked, parent profile.  The Track Marks (step_inherited_24) will indicate if the value is default, from the parent Profile or unique to this profile.