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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

For TN5250 and TN3270 Servers with Printing Terminal Emulation Feature


Starting with setup 2016EB, June of 2019, for AS400, IBMi TN5250 connections, device printer emulation of the IBM 3812-1 printer is supported.


Starting with setup 2020J1, October of 2020 for Mainframe TN3270 connections, device printer emulation of the IBM 3287-1 printer is supported.


When a TN5250E or TN3270E printer is connected, it needs a Device ID as part of the handshake in order to properly identify the printer to the host.  The following options for setting the DeviceID for the printer session are supported:





Hide Icon--No Printer Device

To provide a profile for users that do not need a Device Printer and will benefit from not having the Start/Stop Icon displayed on the Task bar.

Default-Entered at Client First Connection

Individual users will need to know and enter their printer deviceID or LUName on first use.  After this point, it will be stored in a cookie (local storage if available in browser).  


Note that setting User Settings Storage Location to Server ensures that the setting will persist regardless of whether the user clears the browser cookies.  If not set to server, and the user's cookies or local storage values are cleared, the user will need to re-enter the printer DeviceID on next connection.  

Prompt at Client Each Connection

On each connection, will prompt the user for the printer DeviceID. If the "*prompt" has an equals sign, the text to the right of the = will provide the prompt to the user.


For example, *prompt=Please Enter the LU Pool Name to Connect to:

Associate Printer LU with Active 3270 Display LU

For TN3270 Extended connections only--will associate a printer with the 3270 display session's active DeviceID/LUName.

Use a custom LUName Template

The printer device ID can be based on the Display session's device ID or the connected user's ID.  The template would look like:





t=terminal display session device ID

u=user's ID (if Windows security the Windows/AD ID)


Example: |u|PR  -- for user DSP2005 the printer will be DSP2005PR


Using the Display Session ID as part of the Name

If you would like to utilize the acquired Session index (a number starting with 0 and ranging up to 1 less than the number of sessions licensed on your server) to generate a LU name, you can use a wildcard pattern based on the following syntax:





d=decimal representation (1,2..9,10,11)

h=hexadecimal representation (1,2..9,A,B)


width=width of the number padded to the left with zeroes


:offset (optional) if the starting number should be some offset from zero, include it here.  For example, if the first number inside the LUName should start with 21, rather than 0, use 21 for this value.


Examples, server licensed for 15 sessions:


LU|d6:1|     LU000001, LU000002...LU000015

#REG|h4|   #REG0000, #REG0001...#REG000E

OE|d6:22|   OE000022, OE000023...OE000036

No Printer DeviceID

This option should only be kept if the user connections are implemented with a custom server-side extension, where the printer device will be started with the startDevicePrinter API call directly.