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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

TN3270 Only -- Default Padding character for 3270 entry fields that use a character instead of blank, use \0 for none.


Some mainframes use a character, such as underscore, to represent a blank.  Since these characters prevent reasonable keying in the Inventu Viewer environment (particularly for web-based entry fields), Viewer can convert them to spaces on reading, and back from spaces on writing to screens.






In the above example, the underscore character will be replaced by blanks on reading and converted back from blanks on writing to the host application screens.


See Also:


3270 Pad Char Password Only - Limit removing the pad char to Password (PW) fields only for 3270 sessions.


In a Profile, this value can be inherited from a linked, parent profile.  The Track Marks (step_inherited_24) will indicate if the value is default, from the parent Profile or unique to this profile.