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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

When you configure your application at your OAuth OpenID Connect provider, you will need to provide one or more "Redirect" URIs.


To enable testing, the localhost URI should be included-- for example, http://localhost/FVTerm/OIDCAcs.aspx -- notice that this is the mixed case frequently used to access, but many OAuth providers compare to their allowed "Redirect" URIs in a case-sensitive manner.  This can cause issues as sometimes users may hand-key their URI to access FVTerm and not use mixed-case.


That is where this option can help--particularly the Automatic with Lower-Case, which will always provide the active URI converted to all lower-case.  In this example, the localhost URI would be http://localhost/fvterm/oidcacs.aspx and would work no matter how users accessed the FVTerm application.





Redirection URI Auto-Detected step_default_24

The URI will be formed by combining the URI used to access the application with a "OIDCAcs.aspx" appended, all in the case used to access the web server.  Note that if FVTerm is not the default application, the FVTerm will always be sent in mixed-case even if the user entered the URL in lower case...

Redirection URI Auto-Detected and Lower-Cased (recommended)

Same as the Redirection URI Auto-Detected except that the URI will be converted to all lower-case, which makes setting redirection URIs at the provider simpler and less error-prone.

Redirection URI Hard-Coded in Settings

You will hard-code the URI that is used--this is generally for testing purposes.  For example, you have have provided a mixed-case URI to your provider and it doesn't match what is being Auto-Detected.


When this is selected, OpenID Connect Redirect URI is displayed and can be set.