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Flynet Viewer Web Server Transaction Generator Help

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Note that the property settings you make when running a template generation wizard are maintained for you in your project/application file.  The next time you run a particular wizard on a specific application, Screen or ScreenGroup object, your previous settings will be restored.  If you have made changes to any properties, and attempt to close the Studio without having saved the active project, you will be prompted to optionally save the project before exiting the application.


 Property Name                                        Description


When set to true will automatically generate the screen definition file to the active definition folder (typically c:\program files\flynet\viewer\definitions).  This is a common property to all templates.


Set this value to the screen that the Logon method should navigate to, and that the Details method should start from each time.  Note that the generated code resets the screen to this location following each Details request.  Any exception screens, such as "Customer Not Found" will also return to this screen.


There is a custom editor for this property which provides a drop-down list of the active screens in the current definition.


If you will be generating more than one web service within a particular project, all web services must have the same HomeScreenName property.


This is the name of your host as defined in the Administration Service Settings.  There is no custom editor at this time for this value, so you may need to verify using the Administration Applet.


Set to true for your first Web Service generated for a particular project.  This will generate a Logon and Logoff method, so that the session can be maintained at the beginning and end of one or more Details methods.


For the second or more web service modules generated in a particular project, set this value to false to avoid generating unneeded code.


The project's .NET Namespace--all modules will be generated to be part of this namespace.


The location on your system to store the generated project.  Any portions of the provided path that don't exist will be created for you during the generation phase.


Here is the "meat" of the web service request being generated.  Using this property you list each screen that you want data returned from.  Screens with multi-row fieldmaps are supported as well, so that multiple row data is returned in an array of predefined structures.


You can enter screen names separated by a space, or use the provided custom editor, which provides a checkbox list of all the screens in the current project.


This is the name of the specific service being generated.  When you generate more than one query web service in the same project, you need to change this property to match the name of the ASMX file you wish to generate and have as the target of the specific request.


This property defaults to the provided asmx template.  You would only change this value if you made a copy of the provided template (or were provided one) to alter the format of the generated code.


This property is actually used for three entities:


1.The Virtual Folder name created for the project in IIS

2.The Visual Studio Solution Name

3.The Visual Studio Project Name