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Flynet Viewer Web Server Transaction Generator Help

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The Web Service Generation template provides a quick approach to generating a fully functioning Visual Studio Solution providing a simple Inquiry Web Service which includes three methods:


Logon (optional) - obtain a session, will return a sessionKey for use in the other two methods

Details - parameters include the sessionKey returned by the Logon method, then, depending on the screens traversed in your web service definition, you will need to provide additional parameters (to support navigation to the screens you are looking for the data returned on.

Logoff (optional)- using the sessionKey returned in the Logon method, traverse the screens in order to Logoff and release the session


More than one Web Service module (ASMX) can be generated in a single solution/project.  Using the Web Service generator, a full set of coordinated Web Service requests can be rapidly generated.


For full-function Complex Inquiry, Data Entry and Update functionality, please refer to the Flex Web Service Generator help.  (help only available if the Flex WS Generator is installed).